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Service update 2020-07-16

Service update 2020-07-16
- Fixed an issue where the result of ASR had inappropriate spelling for English in the United Kingdom and Australia.
- Improved the timeline placement accuracy for optical character recognition (OCR) results and Smart Chapters. Note: This is currently off by default and Panopto engineering team will roll this out to customers over the next few weeks.
- Fixed an issue with custom roles (beta), where the visibility of UX controls on video settings modals was not correctly filtered based on the current user's permissions.
- Fixed an issue with custom roles (beta), where the "Assignable to" settings did not persist.
- Fixed a recent regression, where videographers incorrectly saw tabs in the folder share modal other than the 'share' tab.
- Fixed an issue where podcasts for audio-only recordings with slides starting near the beginning of the recording might start with a black screen rather than the first slide.
- Fixed an issue where the log information of Zoom integration setting page had duplicated entries.
- Fixed an issue where the UI was incorrectly showing a folder was 'not copied' when using the new Course Copy (beta) feature in some cases when a legacy folder was used as the copy source.
- Fixed an issue where the new Course Copy (beta) feature was blocked from using some older course folders as a copy source.
- Fixed an issue where uploaded videos would show "No content" rather than "Processing" in the session list.
- Improved the speed at which Panopto Capture recordings are processed. This improvement will be rolled out across sites over the coming weeks.
- Fixed an issue where 'default landing page' was not working as expected when it was set to 'My Folder' or 'Shared with me'.
- Fixed an issue where in rare cases editing cut start or end times led to invalid cut boundaries.
- Fixed an issue where in the downloaded caption file didn't have the correct extension for Safari.
Version: 9.2.0