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New Mobile app update 2020-07-17

New Mobile app update 2020-07-17
- Added support for landscape mode on tablets including Apple iPads.
- The mobile app has been localized in the following languages: English, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Japanese, Korean, Russian, French, German, Thai, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Danish, Portuguese and Turkish.
- Added ability to send diagnostics logs to Panopto Support as well as opt-in to sending anonymous error and crash diagnostics to Panopto.
- Added a message to the upload screen on iOS devices to clarify there is a 10-minute recording limit imposed by iOS platform for web-hosted components.
- Fixed an issue where users were not able to upload or record to an assignment folder if they only had creator rights on assigment folders.
- Fixed an issue where an offline video was removed from a device incorrectly in rare situations.
(Version: 1.0.8)