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Blackboard Plugin July 2020, Update 1 [SaaS customers only]

[SaaS customers only] Blackboard Plugin July 2020, Update 1
Official GitHub release page for this version.
This plugin fully supports Blackboard SaaS build 3800.13 and later. This does not support any version of Blackboard Self- or Managed-Hosting servers.
Note: The support versions may change over the lifetime of this plugin. Please refer to this support article for more details.
This plugin does not work with Ultra experience courses on Blackboard SaaS environment.
Updates from the previous stable release (June 2020, Update 1):
- Fixed an issue with the latest plugin (2020.6.1) that prevented users from mapping multiple folders to a course.
- Fixed an issue where Resetting a course would consider the reset successful even if the course remained provisioned in Panopto.
- Replaced ‘Allow TAs to Create Panopto Course Tool Links’ with ‘Allow TAs to embed with Panopto Video Link Tool’ to more accurately describe what the toggle does.
- Fixed an issue where the Panopto Video Link tool would break the Blackboard user interface to navigate out of a course after inserting a link.
- Added a toggle that enabled all folders that an instructor had creator access to be listed in the Panopto Video Link tool in addition to the mapped and public folders.
- Fixed an issue where the Panopto Video Link tool did not properly show public folders.
- Fixed an issue that could leave a course provisioned incorrectly if a user tried to map an invalid folder to an already provisioned course. This case will now result in the course being put back to its original state, before attempting to add the invalid folder.