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Missing Share option when setting up a webcasting session

I'm looking to make the session available to web viewers but when I go to the Create-->Webcasting there is not an option to share the live feed as noted in one of your training video. Has this changed or do I need to change something to turn on the option? FYI, I am an administrator so I should be able to see the option. Also, if I select the share option from within the session, I only get a blank page.


  • Caitlin McCabeCaitlin McCabe Administrator
    edited 2020 24

    Hi Michael,

    This is definitely an issue for our Support team - you should be able to see the Share menu settings. To expedite things, I've gone ahead and submitted a Support ticket on your behalf. Please keep an eye out for correspondence regarding this matter.

    If you have any additional questions, please let me know.

    Best wishes,


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