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Service update 2020-08-15

Service update 2020-08-15
- Updated automatic speech recognition to generate sentences with natural breakpoints. Before this release, the sentences were divided by fixed durations of time.
- Increased the maximum supported quizzes per session in quiz result downloads from 10 to 50.
- Fixed an issue where older reprocessed content could end up showing as very low quality in the editor.
- Fixed an issue where Panopto Capture (beta) recordings with a very large number of streams could experience processing delays.
- Fixed an issue where Zoom recordings occasionally failed to transfer to the meeting host whose Panopto account was created after the meeting.
- Updated the SAML certificate for signing authentication requests and/or encrypting SAML assertions. Customers who currently use SAMLCloudPanopto2016 certificate need to migrate to the new one by July 7, 2021. For more information, please see our article: How to Set Up a SAML Integration.
- Fixed an issue where some uncommon types of uploaded video content appeared as audio only when reprocessed or added as a clip.
- Fixed an issue where some imported Zoom content failed processing and needed to be reprocessed after import.
- Fixed an issue where embedding captions in a podcast failed for some fastpathed single stream content.
- Fixed an issue where oscilloscope preview on the recording screen didn't show correctly in Panopto Capture (beta) when doing multiple audio-only recordings.
- Fixed an issue in Panopto Capture (beta) where the user was not warned about an older pending upload when the user had subsequently done a new recording that had finished uploading.
- Fixed an issue in Panopto Capture (beta), where, in rare cases, there was a failure in correctly capturing tile-mode recording.
- Fixed an issue where the editor was blocked due to rogue zero-length cuts
Version: 9.4.0
Note: Please refer to for details on when this update will be available in your region.