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Graphics within quizzes
in General Q&A
It would be very helpful to include graphic images within quiz questions. I have in mind something like that below (note that it is easy to do this in this web email form!).
Are there any suggestions about this?
Donald Wink, UIC Chemistry
Which of the following particulate representations depicts a mixture of a compound and a pure element?
Answer 1: Picture (a)
Answer 2: Picture (b)
Answer 3: Picture (c)
Answer 4: Picture (d)
Hi Donald,
You could make a slide that shows the image(s), and then insert the corresponding question as a quiz right after you present the slide; however, at this time, we don't offer a way to place graphics in the Panopto quiz feature. I definitely recommend submitting this as a feature request, though: New Feature Request.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask - we're always happy to help!
Best wishes,