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Service update 2020-08-28

Caitlin McCabeCaitlin McCabe Administrator
edited August 2020 in Release Notes

Service update 2020-08-28

  • Fixed an issue where a non-critical error when processing a specific PowerPoint slide could cause the entire slideshow to fail to appear in the video podcast.
  • Fixed an rare issue where reprocessing very old sessions could fail when those sessions had specific problems in the original audio encoding.
  • Fixed an issue with the public API for Upload, where session or stream uploads sometimes required an upload id even for non-multipart uploads.
  • Added a confirmation prompt when manually copying course videos using the Improved Course Copy for Canvas (beta).
  • Reduced the lifetime of long-lived cookies used for remembering user preferences to a maximum of 2 years.
  • Fixed an issue with student video submissions where attempting to submit a video that was still processing could result in a silent failure.
  • Fixed an issue where smart chapters could fail to publish or import in the editor.
  • Fixed an issue with LMS batch provisioning where jobs could encounter a multi-hour delay before being executed.
  • Improved the user experience within Capture when video and audio devices are blocked or unavailable.
  • Improved the user experience when loading Capture with Smart Capture is enabled.
  • Updated Capture to automatically select another video or audio devices when the default device is unavailable.
  • Introduced Failsafe Recording for Capture, ensuring that recordings will upload to Panopto, even if the browser or computer crashes while recording.
  • Optimized the Capture user experience for mobile browsers.
  • Fixed an issue with Capture on Chrome, where recording a screen with a very wide aspect ratio could result in a clipped video.
  • Fixed an issue with Capture on Chrome where, when tile mode or Smart Camera were enabled, minimizing the Chrome window could cause the recording to pause.
  • Removed the beta label from Capture on the desktop Chrome and Edge browsers.
  • Updated Capture to be available as a beta on Android Chrome and Firefox.
  • Updated Panopto's UX for embedding a video to collapse the embed options panel, to make better use of the available screen space.
  • Updated Panopto's UX for embedding a video with Canvas to be responsive to the size of the browser window.
  • Updated the interactive viewer to include a button to skip forward 10 seconds.
  • Updated the Panopto viewer to ensure JavaScript APIs for external services are only loaded when those services are utilized.
  • Updated the algorithm used by the Smart Chapters feature to allow it to more accurately detect the timing of slide changes in screen capture streams.

Version: 9.5.0.

Revision: An earlier version of this post indicated, in error, that this would be released on 2020-08-27. This version is set to be released in the evening (PT) of 2020-08-28.

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