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Panopto Capture

in General Q&A
Panopto Capture is out of beta! 🎉
Add your questions, comments, and use cases for it in the comments below!
To learn more about how to use Panopto Capture, visit our Support articles at:
- How to Create a Video Using Panopto Capture
- How to Create a Video Using Panopto Capture for Panopto Basic and Pro
Do we know when Panopto Capture will be available in LMS integrations?
I would love to see Panopto Capture be added to the "Record" tab in the embed tool in Canvas.
Better yet, if we could use Panopto Capture to collect video assignments I could see the tool in use in almost every online course. Similar to how you select a video with a quiz and place it in an assignment, this would spin up an assignment folder in the course folder when you configure your LMS assignment and select the submission type as "Panopto Assignment Folder" or something like that. When the student starts a submission they can either choose a video they already recorded, upload a video, or launch Panopto Capture. No matter what they select the video that is selected/uploaded/recorded either copied or uploaded to the assignment folder. When they finish recording they would ideally be presented with a choice between editing their submission or not, then they would submit in the LMS. I see this all happening within the LMS window, but I guess recording and editing may be easier from a new window/tab. I think one of the important things with the above would be to make it clear to the student where the submission is saved, so they are not adding things/editing in another version saved in their My Folder.
The Assignment Folder workflow as it exists today is very difficult for students to use and I have a hard time getting faculty buy in. I see this tool playing a huge role in making it better. Obviously the above is a "long term" type thing, but I think it would be generally appreciated for those in the Edu space.
We also need Panopto to integrate with LMS. In our case it is OnPoint (
I'll throw in the LMS Integration on Blackboard 9.1x self-hosted, using the Panopto Building Block. If providing a link out to Capture is planned or not for the Bb-Panopto Building Block.
Hi everyone - We're hoping to have the ability to launch Capture from the embedded session chooser available in the next month or so. Here's a mock-up of what we're envisioning. Please let us know if you have any feedback. Thanks. -Dave
This looks great. I know this will really help a lot of our users. Thank you.
Hi all - Record Computer Audio seems to be missing from Panopto Capture (at least on my Mac) - nothing in the docs to suggest how to do this - is it something yet to be added or just not possible at the moment?
@Sacha Goodwin In Capture, you can select the "share audio" checkbox when you choose the screen, application, or browser tab you want to record. This will capture the computer's audio.
Hi @Kathryn , thanks for that, missed that in the docs!