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Missing YouTube link when assigned in Canvas
in Canvas
I've created a short video with a voice-over PowerPoint then near the end I've inserted a YouTube video. The entire video plays correctly when viewed in Panopto, but when the video is inserted into a Canvas assignment only the PP voice-over shows and the YouTube video is not shown. The YouTube privacy settings are set to public. There's no indication that the YouTube video is even there in Canvas.
Hi Brian,
Canvas uses the embedded version of the Panopto viewer. At this time, YouTube videos embedded in a Panopto video will only appear in the full Panopto player and not in the embedded viewer.
To my knowledge, there is an active Feature Request for this that you can up-vote and provide support for here: Playback YouTube videos when embedded in a session in both players.
Please let me know if you have any more questions about this.
Best wishes,
Actually, I discovered if you set the video in Canvas to open in a new tab the YouTube video plays within the Panopto video at least for me when I select student view. It remains to be determined if it will really work for students.