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Retry after Keynote file not uploaded
I was recently creating some Panopto content on my Mac, and the client didn’t correctly upload the related Keynote. A few minutes later, it actually seemed to “notice” this and offered to retry the upload with the Keynote. It did so, but the version on the web still doesn’t seem to have the Keynote stream correct.
Any ideas how to correctly retry the upload or otherwise fix this?
FYI: I didn't bother to solve the problem: I just converted the slides to keynote, uploaded and synced them by hand. A pain, but it wasn't many slides...
(But still, it would be worth finding out if there is a more general way to fix this...)
Hi Andrew,
This sounds like an issue for our Support team to take a look at. To expedite things, I'll create a Support ticket on your behalf and let your local Panopto administrator know about this matter. Please keep an eye out for correspondence from Panopto Support regarding this.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask.
Best wishes,