Please note: All new registrants to the Panopto Community Forum must be approved by a forum moderator or admin. As such, if you navigate to a feature that is members-only, you may receive an error page if your registration has not yet been approved. We apologize for any inconvenience and are approving new members as quickly as possible.
Panopto 6.0 Service Update (Date: 2019-01-23)

Service update 2019-01-23
- Improved the accessibility of the date filter control used in Analytics dashboards.
- Updated the CSV downloads from the analytics dashboards to list timestamps in the browser's timezone, instead of the site-configured timezone.
- Improved the accessibility of the Analytics dashboards.
- Updated the CSV downloads from the folder stats dashboards to include the full folder path.
- Updated the session analytics dashboard to display users' full names (first and last) in addition to username.
- Fixed a broken link that appeared on the session analytics dashboard when user data is anonymized.
- Fixed an issue with the Canvas integration, when mirroring folder structure, where an unexpected user group was associated to Panopto folders which represented Canvas sub accounts.
- Panopto now embeds audio-only content into Canvas with an embedded player designed specifically for audio playback.
- Fixed an issue with the session chooser interface where a small, non-functional button would sometimes appear.
- Fixed an issue with search in session lists, where contextual results from ASR were occasionally omitted.
- Fixed an issue with search where multi-word search terms were not correctly transferred into the viewer when search results were clicked.
- Fixed an issue where sharing video invitations with an email address was disabled when user suggestions were disabled for a site.
- Added new options to the settings controlling podcast downloads. Now admins can limit the ability for creators to download podcasts.
- Added a site setting to disable variable speed playback and seeking in the interactive and embedded viewers. "Disable seek and variable speed playback"
- Fixed a display issue with the interactive player, where the video windows could overlap when the browser window becomes very large.
- Fixed an issue with live webcast playback on Safari.
- Fixed a display issue with Move Scheduled Recording page where the scrollbar failed to appear.
- Fixed an issue where the Analytics dashboards could fail to load when certain ad blockers were enabled.
- Enhanced discoverability and management of Network Access Rule inheritance status for folders.
- Fixed an issue with the Departments page where it failed to scroll on small screen resolutions