Please note: All new registrants to the Panopto Community Forum must be approved by a forum moderator or admin. As such, if you navigate to a feature that is members-only, you may receive an error page if your registration has not yet been approved. We apologize for any inconvenience and are approving new members as quickly as possible.
Panopto 6.0 Service Update (Date: 2019-03-06)

Service Update 2019-03-06
- Added note and comment counts to session breakout CSV download.
- Fixed an issue where the user last login time was sometimes reported incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where the usage page counted opening and closing the viewer without playing video as a view.
- Fixed an issue where the folder disappeared from the top sessions by user analytics table after clicking "See All".
- Fixed an issue where the session analytics heatmap was not populated for live broadcasts.
- Fixed an issue where the RemoveMembersFromExternalGroup and RemoveMembersFromInternalGroup public APIs incorrectly removed user access from more than just the requested group.
- Fixed an issue where accessing the video player sometimes return a 500 Internal Server Error.
- Fixed an issue where folder inheritance changes were not always available in the audit log.
- Added a button to generate LTI tool definition for evaluation purposes.
- Fixed an issue where bulk provisioning of Canvas course folders failed under certain conditions.
- Updated “Enable Suggesting New Users" setting to be OFF by default, and users will no longer see “Suggested users” on the sharing screen.
- Fixed an issue where LTI link may not work correctly if the browser language is set to Turkish.
- Fixed an issue where high viewership RTMP webcasts could occasionally experience stream instability.
- Fixed an issue where the "broadcast interrupted" screen would not always be shown for interrupted broadcasts.
- Fixed an issue where DVR for RTMP webcasts that experienced connection issues wouldn't work correctly.
- Added the ability to upload .flac files via the drag-and-drop uploader.