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Search Engine Optimization
in General Q&A
Is there any documentation on how Panopto displays the results of searches? I am curious if a session with a search term in the title gets displayed before a search term in the description... or contents... or captions. What if a search term is contained in public notes or discussions? I guess I can test the latter...
Best Answer
Kathryn Administrator
Hi David,
The difference pieces of metadata attached to the video are all searched, such as: title, description, ASR & captions, and OCR (screen).
Title and description is weighted more heavily than other categories. ASR/captions is weighted a little more heavily than OCR (screen).
Hi David,
Our video search is able to identify words spoken in a video or that appear in transcriptions and captions as well as words that appear in the video, slides, discussion posts, or comments. It will also display words that appear in your own notes and bookmarks, which aren't viewable to others unless you make it so. Here's an article about the search feature in Panopto: How to Use Video Search. Step 2.3 in this article shows how the results will display.
I hope this is helpful - please let me know if you have any more questions!
Best wishes,
Thank you for the documentation on searching for, and within, videos. In particular I had been looking for a legend that explained the icons next to the results. This will be helpful in our internal training.
But, what I was more interested in was the order of the results. For instance, if I am searching for a video, based on key words, what determines the order that the results are displayed in?
Hi David,
The order of search results should be determined by how the user sorts them:
If you are searching within a video, you can sort by relevance or by time stamp by selecting the drop-down menu that appears at the top of your search results:
If you are searching on your Panopto site, you can sort the results by name, duration, date, and average rating. The option for sorting by location, or which folder the video belongs to, will appear if you are in the Everything tab of your Panopto site. If you search for a phrase or word within a folder or the Everything tab, the option to sort by relevance is also available.
I hope this is helpful - please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Best wishes,
Sorry for letting this topic get cold. I completely forgot that I needed to get back to this. I am asking for more information about choosing the "Sort by relevance". What kind of results get more weight? Do hits that reside in the title get listed first? Or, number of hits in a session? Or, captions before those that appear on the screen? Or...