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HTTP 500 Error message when using Blackboard/Panopto Video Assessment Submission
in Blackboard
We are testing out using the Blackboard / Panopto Video Assessment Submission and getting an error message when the user selects a video.
This worked OK yesterday but hitting this error message today.
Hi Chris,
This would be an issue for our Support team to investigate. To expedite this matter, and make things easier for you, I will submit a ticket on your behalf. Please keep an eye out for correspondence from the Support team regarding this.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask!
Best wishes,
Hi Chris,
We saw this error IF the Bb Learn course was NOT configured for Panopto.
Once the instructor configured the Bb Learn course for the Panopto folder, it worked.
You may be experiencing something else, but that's where we saw it.
I have been trying to pass my week 6 Video of Intimate Partner Violence to my Instructor but it is error when she opens it. Please help. Thank you.
HI @Jesseline MCCHESNEY,
This would be an issue for our Support team to look at - it seems like you've submitted a ticket already, so please keep an eye out for correspondence from our team regarding this matter.
If you have any additional questions, please let me know.
Best wishes,