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Notes and Discussions - Hide or Delete View

in General Q&A
I'd like to make sure no one can view or make Notes/Bookmarks/Discussions on a webcast. How do I do that?
Thank you!
Hi Katie,
You can remove the ability for a user to make a comment/discussion on a webcast by opening the webcast's Settings, and on the Overview tab, make sure the checkbox next to "Allow users to post comments" is deselected:
Bookmarks cannot be turned off, but are private to the user that makes them and cannot be shared. Notes are also private to the user, but can be shared. To disable the ability to share notes, you would have to disable it at the folder-level, and cannot do so for individual videos/webcasts. To do this, open the folder's Settings menu, then on the Settings tab, make sure the checkbox next to "Allow viewers to make notes public" is deselected.
Note: you can also disable comments for all videos in a folder on this menu, as well, by selecting the checkbox next to "Disable comments on all sessions in this folder."
I hope this helps - if you have any more questions, please feel free to ask! We're always happy to help.
Best wishes,