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Panopto recording Mac Catalina
in General Q&A
Hello, I am a lecturer at the University of Leicester, whenever I try to create a Panopto recording I get the message 'panopto needs the permission of the screen recording'. Then following the discussions I enable Panopto to record the screen, but despite me having done this, the message reappears every time I try to create a recording, which means I cannot use Panopto. I attach some images to illustrate what I mean. Please let me know how to resolve this.
Hi Sam,
This would be an issue for our Support team to look at. To expedite this matter, and make things easier for you, I'll submit a Support ticket on your behalf and let your local Panopto administrator know that you're experiencing this issue. Please keep an eye out for correspondence from our team on this matter.
Best wishes,
Thank you, just to note I am still waiting for a response. I wonder if I'm the only person who has had this problem?
Hi Sam,
I did set up a support ticket for you, and copied your IT department on the issue. Both acknowledged receipt of the ticket and should be in touch soon. I apologize for any inconvenience.
In the intermediary, I would suggest using Panopto Capture as a workaround, as you can capture video, applications (such as PowerPoint), and screens with it. Here's an article to get you started: How to Record Using Panopto Capture.
Best wishes,
Hello Cait,
Unfortunately the Audio Visual Services department at Leicester University was unable to help so its been referred back to the Panopto team. I'm currently waiting for an update.
Hi Sam,
I took a look at the Support ticket and it looks like our Support team is working with your local Panopto administrator to help find a solution for you. I'll add a note to the case that you've checked in here and are waiting for a response.
Best wishes,
Just to note that I use screen flow, my own mac recording software and I now realise I can upload recorded videos on to the Panopto university of Leicester website. I just can't record using panopto. But I guess that doesn't matter, as I can still upload the videos and record them on screen flow. So there is no need to keep working on this. Thanks, Sam