Please note: All new registrants to the Panopto Community Forum must be approved by a forum moderator or admin. As such, if you navigate to a feature that is members-only, you may receive an error page if your registration has not yet been approved. We apologize for any inconvenience and are approving new members as quickly as possible.
Panopto 6.0 Service Update (Date: 2019-01-09)

Service update 2019-01-09
- Updated folder search to include results from sub-folders by default. Users can exclude sub-folder results using a checkbox
- Fixed a regression to GetSessionDetailedUsage that ignored the date-range filters
- Accessibility improvements to the new analytics dashboards
- Fixed a string localization error with one schedulable report type
- Added user email addresses to analytics report downloads
- Fixed a case-sensitivity issue with folder sorting in the new analytics dashboards
- Fixed date localization issues in the new analytics dashboards
- Added an option to set the size of embedded videos into Canvas courses. Please contact Panopto support if you want to evaluate this feature
- Fixed an issue where course folder was named incorrectly as "term name (sub account name) - course name" if copy course structure from LMS is True and Prepend Term Name is True. It should be "term name - course name" after this fix
- Added an option to upload the caption file based on the timestamp of edited video
- Fixed an issue where provisioning with Desire2Learn may have reported failure even the actual operation successfully completed
- Fixed an issue where session packaging could fail when encountering specific encoding issues
- Fixed an issue where primary-only sessions with multi-stream splices would always encode to a primary-only podcast
- Fixed an issue where podcasts encodes and edited viewer encodes could have distorted audio
- Fixed an issue where RTMP broadcasts could fail to convert to an on-demand session if an extra RTMP stream key was left unused
- Expanded audit logging to include 'sessiongroup' modifications to auto-captioning settings
- Fixed an issue with the Embed Viewer where videos won't play if access to certain external files is blocked
- Fixed an issue with the Embed Viewer where one of the buttons wasn't accessible by keyboard
- Fixed an issue with display of the page footer in certain conditions
- Fixed an issue where the Create button sometimes became inactive after it was used
- Fixed an issue where in come situations an error message was not shown is sharing a folder with a group failed
- Fixed an issue with the Interactive Viewer where search terms aren't set when the page loads