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I am getting really tired of this pitiful platform
in General Q&A
It has to be one of the worst software platforms there is. The editing process jumps all over the process because of the reliance on the cloud, you cannot undelete the merged clips and then when you edit one of the merged clips it does not follow through.
Panopto is horrific.
That is interesting, I don't seem to have the same set of issues that you are seeing with editing.
Beyond that, if you are more comfortable editing in a traditional non-linear editor, you are able to edit in that way, then make a new session using the Build a Session interface. Producing content in this way will not capture slide contents for the table of contents, using the new Smart Chapters function, you are able to create a similar Table of Contents for the session
For the "undelete the merged clips" I am not quite sure I follow what you are doing with that. the merge function in Panopto is generally intended to merge two sessions that were recorded at the same time, but on separate computers. If you are wishing to amend a section of something you recorded, I would recommend using the Add a Clip function.
Hopefully this helps.
Hi @K Roberts,
I'm sorry to hear that this has been your experience. I'm not sure if you saw my comment on your other post, but if you're able to share which organization you use Panopto through, I can connect you to people who can assist you and make your experience with using Panopto better. You can either comment on this thread, or message me directly here on the forum with this information.