Please note: All new registrants to the Panopto Community Forum must be approved by a forum moderator or admin. As such, if you navigate to a feature that is members-only, you may receive an error page if your registration has not yet been approved. We apologize for any inconvenience and are approving new members as quickly as possible.
Service update 2020-10-22
Service update 2020-10-22
- Improved the time to publish for Panopto Capture recordings and video uploads by reducing the number of publishing steps. This improvement will be rolled out to all customers over the coming weeks.
- Improved Panopto Capture video upload reliability by introducing automatic retry in certain situations.
- Fixed several minor issues in Panopto Capture on mobile browsers. Note: Panopto Capture on mobile browsers is still in beta.
- Fixed an issue where it is possible for an exact match to be shown lower than other auto-suggestions for users or user groups.
- Fixed a rare issue where slides may appear out of order in the podcast reencode for some older sessions.
- Fixed an issue with Canvas Course Copy (beta) that could prevent folders created during the course copy operation from being permanently deleted.
- Fixed an issue where the Overview tab folder settings in might display an error if Canvas Course Copy (beta) was enabled and the folder was linked to a Blackboard or Moodle course
- Fixed an issue with Canvas Course Copy (beta) where sub-folders that the user did not have creator access to could be copied as part of the Course Copy operation.
- Fixed an issue where podcast encodes could unnecessarily duplicate frames to force a higher framerate.
- Fixed an issue where removing embedded subtitles could break podcast encode in some situations by also removing media tracks.
Version: 9.9