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Not Having to Edit in the Pitiful Panopto Cloud
in General Q&A
Is there a way of recording and not having to edit through this joke of a 'system'?
If you ever record anything close to 2 hours and have 40% or more editing, then this cloud system cannot cope and when you try to edit it lags and skips all over the place.
Is there a way around this nonsense?
Hi @K Roberts,
I'm not sure if you've seen my replies to your other posts, but what you've described should definitely be investigated by our Support team. Please let me know which organization you are affiliated with, so that I can submit a Support ticket on your behalf.
In the meantime, if you want to download your video as an MP4 and edit it using an external video editor, please use the steps listed in our article, How to Download Video or Audio Streams as MP4s.
Best wishes,