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Remote Exam Proctoring
in Coronavirus
Does anyone have any experience using Panopto for remote exam invigilation? I have done some tests and it looks like it could work for remote exams. The Recorder is inside Safe Exam Browser. What is very good that it could use two web camera for front and back view. It minimizes the risk of cheating on the exam? Does it make sense? I appreciate if you share valuable thoughts about it or experience.
Hi Vladimir,
I apologize for the delay in my response - I did check with some of our Customer Success Advocates to see if they were aware of any other organizations using Panopto for remote exams, and hope to make some connections for you soon.
In the meantime, it does sound like there are some organizations that have used Panopto with screen capture and camera sources nearby in order to capture the student's screen/surroundings and ensure they are not cheating by using a study aid of any kind. While we can't guarantee there won't be cheating, this seems to be a viable option for some organizations.
I hope this is helpful - please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Best wishes,