Please note: All new registrants to the Panopto Community Forum must be approved by a forum moderator or admin. As such, if you navigate to a feature that is members-only, you may receive an error page if your registration has not yet been approved. We apologize for any inconvenience and are approving new members as quickly as possible.
Panopto 7.0 Service Update (Date: 2019-11-14)

Service update 2019-11-14
- Fixed an issue where some users encountered an error when accessing Panopto content through a link in Blackboard Ultra.
- Added an option to the Panopto video search REST API to return the timestamp of a search result inside a video. See the API documentation for more information:
- Updated the library for SAML 2.0 SSO.
- Fixed an issue where the Zoom integration administration page did not show proper error messages when a user tries to switch from one Zoom account to another.
- Fixed an issue where Panopto for Mac 7.0 displays the update prompt for macOS 10.12 users.
- Improved search experience by showing search results in the video player after clicking on a video title or thumbnail.
- Fixed a bug where Smart OCR sometimes read lines in the wrong order.
- Added a site setting for admins to enable and disable Recycle Bin for creators. Default setting is off.