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SAML SSO error message


We are working around the SSO limitations and have hit another blocker. Using SAML, we have configured everything as required for SimpleSAMLPHP. Under the same configuration we can SSO into other platforms such as Docebo. However in this case within Panopto, we hit an error which provides very little information. The user that we are trying to SSO in is a full admin and exists on both sides. The error states "You do not have access to Panopto". Is there any more information that we can get from this error? It is very limited and does help us diagnose the issue.

Thank you very much.



  • Hiroshi OhnoHiroshi Ohno Panopto Employee

    Hi Sam,

    Thank you for posting this message. This forum is specific for Panopto's public API and not about integration in general. It sounds like our support team is the best resource to troubleshoot your issue. Please open a support ticket.

  • Hi @Sam Web,

    I wanted to follow-up and make sure you were able to connect with our Support team. If you haven't been able to do so, but would like me to submit a ticket on your behalf, please let me know which organization you are affiliated with (either by commenting here or sending me a direct message).

    Best wishes,


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