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Zoom Meeting Data and Participants List in Panopto Description Field
in Zoom
Hi All
Couple instructors asked me about this yesterday: When a Zoom meeting imports to Panopto, in the description field of the Panopto version of the recording, some Zoom data about the meeting populates in that field. Included in this information was a list of meeting participants.
Is there a way to not have this information get sent to Panopto, or a way to mass delete this? Instructors want to protect some student privacy, and having to manually delete this, while can be done quickly, sometimes one or two slip through the cracks and the information is not deleted.
Thank You.
Agreed. I'd like this to go away too or be toggled off.
There is a new setting that I never saw announced anywhere and heard about from my CSA.
We want to know more about this. Also, it would be good to know if this just deletes the description field described by @Kevin Hartman or if it also breaks the "Add Meeting Participants" option in the share field.
This is a fairly large concern to us with student privacy and FERPA.
@Adam Nemeroff I've never seen this before either. That's interesting. I wonder if this would fix the issue. If so that is amazing!
WTH? How did they not even announce this setting was coming?
My assumption is that it wouldn't import any attendees in any capacity (as described) so the "Add meeting participants" button would be gone. It would be great as a user setting (or even as a meeting setting - when you pair to a folder), but as a site setting we can't turn that off.
This is what I heard from Panopto on this back in December, when I noticed the setting:
Store meeting participants or invitees - If this switch is turned off, Panopto will not access any participants' information. The description will not have participant's names and automatic sharing feature with attendees will stop working. Panopto does not recommend to turn off this switch unless a customer has a legal obligation to avoid storing or showing participants information on Panopto.
It does seem as though it would meet @Kevin Hartman 's needs. I pause at Panopto's recommendation to not turn it off, however and I'd like to do more testing or get more details on what would break or stop working if it were disabled.
Hi All,
The setting "Store meeting participants or invitees" was announced in the Winter Service Update (2020-12-19) under the section "Behavior and Settings changes." 🙂 This setting works with all Zoom and Webex Meetings imports, but will remove the ability to use automatic sharing.
If you have any additional questions, please let me know.
Best wishes,
Thanks Cait and everyone else. I don't believe we have many using the auto sharing, most faculty use folder mapping to have the meeting go right to the course folder, so this maybe something we consider turning off.
Also just had a request to remove from the description only, leaving automatic sharing alone... logged this as a feature request in the community forum