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Not All Features Under Create Button Appear in Blackboard
in Blackboard
Hi Folks
If I log into my hosted Panopto site and press the Create button, I see about 8 different features listed there. However if I go to a course in Blackboard here I have the Course Tool App enabled showing the entire folder of videos, some of the options, like Build a Session and Webcast are missing.
Is there a reason for this? Could this be a bug or am I missing a setting someplace? I'm having a faculty member ask why they can't see Build a Session, I'm guessing it could be because she's looking in the wrong spot.
Thank You
Kevin Hartman, University at Buffalo
We have the same thing in Canvas. I (as a user) like it because it keeps the interface a bit more clean in the LMS. That being said, I am sure I have some users who would like the other options available everywhere. Having the "up a level" button available in the LMS integration would be lovely!
Hi @Kevin Hartman,
The Create menu in an LMS is purposefully limited to the options that faculty most frequently use. There is an internal feature request regarding this and we've added University of Buffalo to it, so that you're kept in the loop on any updates.
If you would also like, you can add a Feature Request in the forum for other users to comment on/upvote: New Feature Request.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask - we're always happy to help!
Best wishes,