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How do I make a secondary stream into a primary stream?

I recorded a video without sound but it made the no sound a primary stream and the video secondary. I don't need the sound. How can I get rid of the sound or just make the video primary?
Hi Stephanie,
Are you embedding this video in Brightspace? If so, Panopto has a special setting called the "podcast view," which controls how videos look when they are embedded or downloaded. As such, you can change the video podcast output to "Secondary Video Only," and that is what would appear in the embedded player on the LMS. You can learn how to do this by following the first two steps in How to Change the Format and Preview the Podcast Version of Videos.
Alternatively, you could reupload the video by selecting the Create button on your Panopto site, choosing Upload Media, and uploading the video, which would make it the primary stream.
Please let us know if you have any other questions!
Best wishes,