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Emails to Owners and Dept Admins for Scheduled Archive & Deletion; Allow them to Request Exceptions

Mike PedersenMike Pedersen Crackerjack
edited September 2023 in Feature Requests

Ideally, session owners and department admins will get automated e-mails that list all their sessions that are scheduled to be archived and/or deleted via the content retention policies. The e-mail should include instructions on how to change the retention policy on their individual sessions (and folders) to prevent the automatic action if the owner wants to protect the session(s). The time interval the e-mail is sent out prior to the archive/deletion date should be adjustable by administrators.

31 votes

Under Consideration · Last Updated


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    Please add the option to send video creators email notifications when videos will be deleted as part of retention rules.


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    I second that. This feature would be very useful.

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    Right now, there is an ability to add people to the content retention notification mailing list - however, the people would receive an email for content that is not necessarily related to them and is for across the site. We would like an ability to notify different people per folder for the content expiring just in that folder.

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    It would be very helpful if there was a way that users could request that their content be retained longer than the site policy allows. Department Admins/Admins would then have some sort of UI where they could approve or deny the requests. I think this feature could go along very nicely with a notification to users of future content retention actions, if/when that is ever added.

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    Would it be possible to allow for individual level reporting so that if a video is to be archived/deleted by a retention policy the owner/folder owner would receive their own notification?



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    This is also a feature request of gernan universities. Content creators muste be notified before/when their videos are archived and before they are deleted. The Notification-text should be configurable by admins.



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    Would also like to see the retention policy to have the option to add or only notify the content owner as items are within "x" days or being archived or deleted. In a large organization it makes the most sense for those owners to be responsible for handling their own content. Notifying the admins only is not super useful in large enterprises.

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