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How to record without audio in Panopto
Hi guys,
Does anybody know how to record without audio?
When I turn Audio source to None, record button becomes not selectable.
There is an option to allow recording without an audio source, but doing this alone will not result in a recording that can be played without adding in a silent audio track after the fact. The option in the recorder is intended to be used with distributed recording where you are joining two devices into the same session.
If you are using Windows, you can enable the Stereo Mix source to just use the PC audio as the audio source as a workaround.
Hi Mike,
Thank you for answer.
Do you know if it is possible to record a video without any sound, silently?
I only need video, not interested in audio in my videos.
The easiest option when using the desktop recorder is to record with the "Stereo Mix" (which you may need to enable) on a Windows computer, then mute the sound on the computer. This will capture an audio track but because it is bringing in the muted audio stream from the computer, there won't be any sound in the video.
As an alternative, you should be able to record with Panopto Capture (the browser tool) without an audio track selected and that will produce a recording that is playable and silent.
Hi Mike,
It would work.