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Check User Enrollment when they click LMS Embed button

Craig MurrayCraig Murray Crackerjack
edited June 2020 in Feature Requests

Hi folks

We have students embed assignment folder videos in Moodle courses using the method shown here. When a student opens the Moodle assignment, the student first clicks on the Panopto editor button and then is required to select the correct assignment folder from the folder embed view before uploading a video. If students have access to multiple assignment folders (e.g. assignment 1,2&3) and multiple courses, selecting the correct assignment is confusing.

As the embed button typically points to the instructor's course folder in the LMS, we would like a feature request that eliminates the need for students to select the assignment folder... i.e. the folder navigation is eliminated and/or defaults to the prescribed assignment folder that is attached to the Moodle course the student is currently viewing.

Let me know if you have any questions.



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    I posted something similar a while back and I absolutely agree! In my mind, Panopto Capture is perfect for this need. It would give the student a quick and easy place to record and could handle the "where does it go" aspect behind the scenes. With the addition of an external tool for submitting the assignments, the instructor and students wouldn't have to do anything outside of the LMS if they didn't want to.

    Here is my post, if you wanted to read it: (https://community.panopto.com/discussion/427/panopto-capture-in-lms-external-tool)


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    Jay MinsterJay Minster Administrator
    edited June 2020

    HI All,

    I wasn't sure if you have tried this yet so I wanted to show you how I've been doing it:

    It's not an LTI tool but just a simple folder embed. Take the Folder ID from the Manage tab of the assignment folder's settings menu.

    Grab the default Panopto folder embed code, replace existing folder ID with assignment folder ID.

    This has worked for me in: Bb/Canvas/Brightspace/Moodle, but may require users to click a sign-in prompt depending on their browser settings.

    NOT RECOMMENDED: Sakai/Jenzabar

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    Craig MurrayCraig Murray Crackerjack

    Hi Jay,

    I'm sorry for the delay and thank you for your comments. However, either I do not fully understand or I didn't explain myself correctly. My issue is from the students' view in MOODLE. The workflow we use, as outline in the instruction video, indicates that the students need to select the correct folder, even though they have entered via a direct link from there course page (see below and 3:15 in the instruction video). This is the step that seems redundant, thus the enhancement request.

    Just to clarify, if we use the direct folder ID as a URL in MOODLE as you have indicated, will students be shown the Panopto icon to upload video or an upload window be displayed?



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    Jay MinsterJay Minster Administrator

    Hey Craig,

    I'm sorry for the confusion and I completely understand what you mean. The workflow I proposed above is a way instructors can embed the full assignment folder in their course so students can use the Create button right away, without having to change the folder first.

    While this allows students to create / upload videos quickly, it doesn't help them embed the video any faster which I now understand is the issue.

    Students could grab the hyperlink of their video and include that in the written submission, but this really isn't any easier then navigating to the assignment folder with the embed button.

    Ideally what we could do in the future is check the user enrollment as they click the embed button, and if they're a student we could default to the assignment folder. I'm sorry that we don't have a better way to tackle this at this time.

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    Craig MurrayCraig Murray Crackerjack

    Hi Jay,

    Thank you once again for you thoughtful comments. Basically, we made a deliberate decision to use Moodle as the assignment upload portal, without directing students to another site to upload. Embedding the assignments in Moodle, as you know, also allows marking in Grade Book.

    So yes, please rephrase this enhancement request as "... check the user enrollment as they click the embed button [in Moodle (see below)], and if they're a student we could default to the assignment folder. "



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    Jay MinsterJay Minster Administrator


    I've re-worded your feature request as you've indicated! Thank you for your help.


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