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Recording ended = no ?

What does it mean if I see Recording ended "no" on the Manage screen of a student's recording? As admin, I also see I can click Close to presumably end the recording. What happens when I do that?
The student said the recording was "stuck processing" - so the hope is the recording is not lost, and we can recover what had been recorded before the processing issue happened.
Hi @Alan Peterka,
I apologize for the delay in my response. Are you still experiencing this issue? If so, I would like to open a Support ticket on your behalf.
Best wishes,
Thanks Cait, The issue was a one-off so far as I know. The instructor had me click "Close" but that did not result in any processing or anything, so the instructor had the student re-record and submit. I was really more curious as to the messaging and functions these options would normally be used for. Thanks for the follow up.