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Open Ended Quiz Type

Dear Panopto team,

I am a great fan of the quiz feature for videos as it allows for interactivity between the lesson and the students. What I would love to see is an 'open ended' question type where viewers can respond with there own answers (possibly limited to n characters if necessary). This would open the door to deeper feedback from viewers who could express their thoughts on a topic, share experiences related to a subject, and give their opinions on new material.

Many thanks,


26 votes

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  • Can we ask open ended questions? Instead of true or false or multiple choice?  

  • edited July 2020

    The Quiz function can be used to have students stop and think about a particular question or topic before moving on. In these cases there is no right or wrong answer. (For example, "before we move on, please stop and think about the way that X operates in your life. Take a few minutes to write about xyz."

    I have talked with many faculty who would love this active learning tool. It just requires an ungraded quiz option (where just writing X # of words "counts") and an expandable box for entering text.

  • Yes, please! I was just coming to put in my own New Feature Request when I saw this one. There are any number of questions that require short answer responses - reflection questions like Michelle mentions, "give an example of this concept", "describe what you see on this slide", etc. Even just being able to end a video with "what questions do you have about the material I just presented" seems like an obvious need.

    Another way to think about this - how many of us, when teaching in person, ask only multiple choice or true/false questions during our lectures? I'm guessing almost all of us ask open-ended questions, because the responses we get help us understand what our students are thinking and encourage them to engage with the material.

    Most other interactive video programs include this option already. I am considering adopting Panopto for my fall courses, and it seems like a great program in other ways, but this is the one feature missing that seems likely to be a deal-breaker for me, and I'm honestly surprised it doesn't already exist. While the ungraded quiz option (or grading by word count) would be great, I actually think a great 'quick fix' would be to expand the text box in the existing fill-in-the-blank questions - we could then mark the box preventing students from seeing their scores immediately, and go back and assign the points manually later on.

  • Oh good! Thanks Sarah. I am glad I am not the only one who thinks this would help active learning!

  • Yes, please^2! :)

  • Yes, this would be hugely helpful. Otherwise I'm going to have to use another platform.

  • Yes, not having this option is a deal breaker. It makes this feature almost useless to me.

  • This would be a helpful feature.

  • Thanks Tim. I feel like it would be pretty easy to add. Hopefully it pops onto the Panopto folks' radar soon. I would love to use it now.

  • Yes! We've heard this quite a few times from faculty so far. This would be a great addition to the quiz functionality.

  • Patrick CoxPatrick Cox Crackerjack

    There's definitely a huge potential for expanding quizzes - video interactivity could be an exciting new direction for Panopto...

  • Giving this a quick bump as I also recently had an instructor asking about short answer type quiz questions. Our workaround is having students create a discussion post for their answer to a question, but something like this in the quizzing feature would be great.

  • crickets...

  • KathrynKathryn Administrator

    Hi! Open-ended questions for quizzes are a great idea, and we are considering this feature for the future. At this time, they are not on our short term roadmap though. However, as a workaround, you can use Panopto videos with H5P and Hihaho, and they offer a wider set of question types.

  • The development of the open-ended quiz feature was implied during our institutions "request for proposal" and bidding process. It was a bit of a deal breaker for us, and I expect to see it soon. While some creators use quiz questions to generate a grade (a check that students are reallly watching), others use the quiz questions as a way for students to pause and reflect on the learning. We don't need a grade, we need students to stop and think. This is critical to good pedagogy.

  • Preach, Christopher!

  • Our college has recently implemented Panopto and I'm getting quite a few comments from faculty asking for the open-ended question type for quizzes. I agree with Christopher that the question type would open so many possibilities. Thank you.

  • Hear, hear to an open-ended quiz question type. I get that it would require a bit of work to upgrade the quiz grading system because you'd need a way for instructors to go through the responses and interact with the answers and grade them. There are ways to think about that though. The important thing is to allow the opportunity for student reflection (that's not a public comment) while watching the video.

  • This functionality would be very, very helpful. Currently, if instructors want to use a video-based assessment in which students must write their own answers, they must continue to use the Canvas Quiz option. The Playposit quiz embed tool I used while at Rutgers can do this--instructors can grade the quizzes in Playposit, and once synched, those results are fed to the Canvas Gradebook. While a tool like Playposit may have a steeper learning curve than making Panopto quizzes, I still think instructors and students alike would benefit from this feature.

  • I had an instructor at the community college where I work ask for this functionality, and after some research, I had to point him toward another tool instead. We would love to see the short answer question type make it into the Panopto Quiz feature set! 👍️

  • edited May 2024

    Can we please get the options to upload images (pdf images, jpeg, jpegs, etc.) to quizzes and the ability to format text like bold, superscript and subscripts. This has been requested for several years now, almost half a decade, can we get an update please.

  • The lack of short answer/essay questions is a deal breaker for me. My school has a Panopto account, but I refuse to use it for this reason.

  • 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗

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