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No PowerPoint after latest update

in General Q&A
Panopto 64-bit Windows client just updated to
Now my PowerPoints are not recording, just my webcam. I have checked all the settings, tried several times with different PowerPoints. Panopto is just ignoring the PowerPoint as if it wasn't there.
Any ideas?
Just to add, I was able to record slides with picture-in-picture webcam using the web version of the Panopto recorder, so this problem seems to be with the desktop client, not with my hardware.
Hi Jim,
This sounds like an issue our Support team should take a look at. To expedite this matter, and make things easier for you, I will submit a Support ticket on your behalf and make your local Panopto administrator aware of this. Please keep an eye out for correspondence from our Support team.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to let me know - we're always happy to help!
Best wishes,
Many thanks. I would have submitted a support request myself (if I'd been able to figure out how).
Hi Jim!
Just updated to and got the same results you did. If you find out what the problem is can you update here please?
No solution yet, but Panopto support have been in touch with me and I've sent them some test files. As soon as I know more, I will post it here.
FWIW, if you still have the installer for version 8, I was able to re-install that. Could you use that as a quick fix?
@Jim Endersby @Kevin Hartman
Heard back from support lastnight..
Our developers have identified the issue and are actively working to address the issue via a future update. While our team doesn't have an exact ETA just yet, they're working on addressing this as soon as possible. Our developers are targeting a tentative release end of this week.
Thanks. Luckily I have the version 8 installer still on my hard drive so (as Kevin Hartman helpfully suggested), I've downgraded until the update comes out.
Hi All,
Thank you for drawing our attention to this. For more information, please refer to the following post: PowerPoint Not Showing Panopto for Windows 9.
Best wishes,
Any word if this was fixed yet? I haven't found anything saying so yet, unless I'm looking in the wrong place.
Thank You.
I still have an open support ticket, so I assume it's still unresolved. I'm using version 8 until I hear about an update. I will post any news I get here.
Hi Everyone,
If you didn't see the update on the Bug Report post: this issue should be resolved with the release of Panopto for Windows 9.0.2. If you have any additional questions, please let me know - we're always happy to help.
Best wishes,
Just downloaded and installed 9.0.2 and did a quick test. Everything seems to be working perfectly. Thanks.