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How to add Shownotes in Panopto Podcasts
in General Q&A
Hi everyone.
I'm checking the podcasts features of Panopto and am quite happy about how easy it is to publish Podcasts. In my Podcast App (Antenna Pod) I'm unable to add any shownotes, with links to source material oder jumpmarks.
If it's possible I'd be very glad for showing me the right direction.
Best Answer
Caitlin McCabe Administrator
Hi Roland,
My apologies, podcast feeds do not support shownotes. Because of this, we recommend viewing Panopto videos using our mobile application. To learn more about the mobile app, please see How to Use the Panopto Mobile App.
If you have any more questions, please let us know - we're always happy to help!
Best wishes,
I believe I should have a feature request that was submitted to support a few years ago along with a support ticket to enhance the podcast options in Panopto. One was to include some dedicated fields for both folders and sessions when the RSS feed is on for a folder, the other was to allow external users to subscribe to Panopto folders using an email address.
I would love to see podcast syndication be supported end-to-end by Panopto so we can stop using middleware to build the feed.