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Panopto for Windows update (Date: 2019-08-23)

Panopto for Windows update 2019-08-23
This is Panopto for Windows version 7
- Added a new setting to control whether volume alerts are shown.
- Added a new setting to control whether high CPU usage alerts are shown.
- Fixed an issue where the app crashed when stopping a recording with screen capture.
- Fixed an issue where an error occurred when switching tabs in Panopto for Windows with screen capture enabled.
- Fixed a rare issue where screen capture failed to continue capturing while swapping display modes.
- Improved the tooltip for Pause recording button, to clarify that streams are still captured while paused but the paused part is automatically marked as cut.
- Fixed an issue where recording presets are ignored if the recorder is opened from the Panopto website.
- Fixed an issue where controls are cut-off in Panopto for Windows for certain screen resolutions.