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Lead time on UX updates for Higher Ed customers?

My question is - when will the UX updates be put into production for July 2023? (We need them to start adjusting our documentation ASAP).

Hi Panopto - we saw the upcoming UX updates for July 2023. Is there any way you can give customers the lead time to update our documentation, and/or link out to more user-facing documentation? It would also be super-helpful to have a solid date that it will be implemented. Maybe have it in a test/demo environment first so we can get screen grabs, videos etc. of the new interface ahead of time?

Here are some ideas:

(a) More lead time: We are entering the Fall semester in August and we now have to look at redoing all of our Panopto documentation for the second time so it's ready for August. This is over 60 documents and videos and includes us having to put them through reviews for accessibility, etc. With all the other pre-Fall projects, this is a significant addition to our workload.

(b) More user-facing documentation: Currently most Panopto documentation is more customer(admin)-facing. If you are going to move toward consistent UX updates as part of your business strategy, higher ed may be pushed to keep up with updating our own content and we'll have to rely on yours to link our to our faculty, staff, and students. Your customer-facing documentation is good, and we will need the same for the end-user that's chunked-out and easy to search and slightly more refined than existing.

Thanks for the discussion!


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