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New student role, visualization problem
in Moodle
Hello, I have the following problem:
The student enrolled in the course with the Role “Student” has access to the video which is in panopto. But if I create a new role as for example “Student for exam”. This new role within the same subject, that student who has that new role will not be able to see the video. Is there any way to correct this?
Hi @Guillermo Plisich,
Sorry for the delay in my reply. I spoke with a colleague, and we would expect that any person enrolled in a Moodle course (regardless of role) would be able to see video content within it. As such, our Support team should investigate this. To make things easier for you and expedite this, I will open a Support ticket on your behalf and inform your local Panopto administrator.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask - we're always happy to help!
Best wishes,