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Editor Playback Not Playing

I've experienced an issue where when editing a video in the editor, the playback is not progressing. I jump ahead in the video timeline and then click play, but the video doesn't play. The play button icon switches, but the video does not start playing. When I toggle the play button back to paused the icon changes and the video continues not to play obviously as well. The weird thing is that if I come into the editor and immediately click play without jumping around it will start playing. It's just when I jump to other points in the timeline that this issue occurs. It's making the trimming process of my 45 minute video pretty long and tedious as a result. I've worked on this from two different computers with the same issue. Any thoughts on what to try next? Or why this is happening?

Best Answer


  • Thanks, Cait! I actually resolved it by switching browsers. I was using Google Chrome--usually no issues there--but this extra long video seemed to trip up the editor. Switched over to Mozilla and was able to do the work.

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