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Can't select usb microphone
in Equipment
I have a user on a windows 10, he can't select the usb microphone in the panopto program, he can only selct internal microphone, or none.
We have tried, restart, uninstalla panopt and install.
The microhpnoe works on other programs on the computer, we have tried to stop all other programs.
Any advice in how to solve the problem would be great.
Hi Per,
This seems like it would be an issue for Panopto's Support team. Since it looks like you're a POC for your university, and I don't see any open tickets, I'm going to go ahead and submit one on your behalf. Keep an eye out for correspondence from our Support team regarding this matter.
Best wishes,
for future reference, We have had this issue and the troubleshooter identified that it was disabled and enabled it, thus solving the issue