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can't contact support as Panopto pro user
in Zoom
I can't contact support for a few reasons. One, though I can login with my Google email, I can't login with my same email account and when I ask for new password, i get an error message saying i am locked out and can't get a password. it says try again in 15 minutes which i did, but still can't get a password. and i can't get to support with my google account/email. i am thus stuck. i have many problems to be solved but without being able to contact support by email and no phone, i'm stuck.
thank you!
Hi Marc,
Connecting with our Support team depends on the level of Panopto you are using. Our support article, Can I Contact Support With My Plan?, provides details on how to get into contact with them based on your plan.
If you are still having difficulty accessing your Panopto account to submit a ticket, please let me know and I'll be happy to submit a ticket on your behalf.
Best wishes,
got it! i'm connected. thanks