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Download for PC
in General Q&A
I'm sure this is me missing something so I'd appreciate help in removing my blind spot.
For the life of me, I cannot find a way to download Panopto for PC (or Mac but I don't use a Mac so ..PC). There is clear documentation on clicking on the "create" button and then choosing the first menu item which should allow for a client download. However, when I click on the create button it takes me to the web UI for recording. No options to download anything. When I go to my library view, I do not see a download option either.
Please help!
Hi Ashish,
Currently, the Panopto for Windows application is only available to Panopto Enterprise users. Panopto Enterprise is typically most suitable for organizations with 100+ members, but can be used by smaller organizations as needed. If you are interested in Enterprise, please visit Panopto Subscription Plans for more details.
Panopto Pro users should be recording using Panopto Capture. You can learn about recording with Capture here: How to Create a Video Using Panopto Capture for Panopto Basic and Pro.
If you have any more questions, please let me know and I'll be happy to answer them.
Best wishes,