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Captioning style issue, & cannot access Panopto Quick Support

I've been having an issue where I am able to edit the captioning style in panopto, but the embedded video on the course page just shows the default caption style settings (I have tried changing things, getting a new link, etc). I could only find guides on how to change the caption settings in that editing screen, which I've done, but no report on why it might not be reflected in the embedded video.

When I came here to try and access the quick support, it loads up a page continually stuck on 'Loading TeamViewer now...' and asks me to download Team Viewer, which I've done and is open, and it does this on both Chrome and Microsoft Edge. So I cannot get Panopto support for my above problem either.

If any of you can help me with either of these problems, or tell me what I might be doing incorrectly, that'd be wonderful.

Thank you so much, and I hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy!

Best Answer


  • Thank you so much Cait! That does help a lot.

    Any idea why the TeamViewer wasn't working for me?

  • Caitlin McCabeCaitlin McCabe Administrator

    Hi Dylan,

    I'm sorry you're having an issue with TeamViewer. It does sound like an issue on their side of things, so I would recommend connecting with them directly using their Support chat feature: https://www.teamviewer.com/en-us/support/.

    Best wishes,


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