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How To Add A Tag To A Question

in General Q&A
It seems I can only choose from the popular tags and not add one of my own when entering a question.
When I do try to enter my tags, entering comma erases the text entered so far. The text remains when I use semicolon as a separator but it vanishes when I click Save.
How can I add new tags to my question?
Hi Waqar,
At this time, users cannot add custom tags and are only able to use the tags provided. If there's a specific tag you feel is missing, please feel free to let me know here, or via direct message.
Best wishes,
I made a post about wanting to view the number of comments on each of my videos in Folder Dashboard. Some tags that I tried to add were, "comments", "dashboard", but was unable to do so. Eventually, I submitted the post without tags.