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Fix playback bug
There is a bug during video playback that I would like you to fix, but I can't find a place to report it, so I'll pretend it is a feature I'm requesting.
To recreate the bug:
1) Record a video that has color in it
2) Perform a minor edit to the video, such as removing a couple seconds from the end
3) Embed the video in a Canvas page
4) View the video in Firefox or Chrome. The colors will be separated. This does not happen in Safari, or in the Panopto player, for some reason. Please see the screenshots.
Playback of embedded video has weird shadows:
But playback in the Panopto viewer does not.
I wonder if that is related to this note in the newest service release?
Fixed an issue where edited single stream sessions, when viewed in the embed, could show slight visual corruption on the right side of the video.
Thank you! That does sound like my issue. I am still seeing it though, despite the service release - is there something I have to do to get the new release? Or are my existing videos going to stay corrupted?
Update: Looks like I need to go in and make minor edits to every video, and it will use the new version. I'll take it.
Do you know if you're cloud hosted or self-hosted or if 9.7 has been applied to your environment? (That's available under the Help menu in the top right of the Panopto site.)
You may also need to either re-embed the recordings or reprocess them.
Cloud hosted, 9.7 is applied. I don't seem to have any of the "Processing management" options - "Delete session" is the last thing I see on the manage page. That's okay - I think editing each video to add 0.1 seconds at the beginning is an okay workaround.
Thank you for your help!
Hi @Tim Winchester,
This would be a bug/issue for our Support team to take a look at. To expedite things, and make things easier for you, I will submit a support ticket on your behalf and let your local Panopto administrator know about this issue. Please keep an eye out for correspondence from our team regarding this matter.
If you have any additional questions, feel free to ask!
Best wishes,