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User Licenses in License Plan Usage
When I go to the view "License Plan Usage", I have noticed that our User Licenses is decreasing. What is this number? The only people allowed in our site are internal folks. So, once they log in, they are assigned an account. If they have an account, I assume they are using a license. Also, we have not deleted any accounts. So, I can't figure out how this number is getting smaller. Does anyone have any thoughts?
Best Answer
Michael Espey Superstar
It is my understanding that this number is only active users. For our site we have around 90,000 total users, but our user licenses is sitting at ~40,000. The gap is the people that haven't viewed or created content in the last 6 months.
Also, I checked and we have 330 users... but our User Licenses is at 85.
Hi David,
To confirm what Michael said, "User Licenses" represents the number of active users on your plan. Active users are those who have recorded or viewed a video in the last six months. If you have more questions about the License Plan Usage chart, we provide explanations in our Learn About the License Plan document.
I hope this is helpful! Please let me know if you have any more questions.
Best wishes,