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How do you brand your instance of Panopto?

in General Q&A
What are people doing for branding in their environments? I'm curious about ideas for possibly integrating the idea of Panopto as it exists at the institution. For example Panopto at DARTMOUTH. Curious about other's experiences with this.
@Luchin Lee curious if you have thoughts and ideas.
This is an example of what we do with G Suite at our institution.
The options in Panopto are somewhat limited, but there are a few areas that can be adjusted. We branded Panopto as "UICapture" long ago, so those logos have been changed, but I kept the branding very similar to the "out of the box" state. I also don't really know that rebranding was needed, but we typically brand services internally.
Title Logo:
There are also a few areas where HTML hosted elsewhere can be embedded, an example of something we do is a small area that is included when new content is uploaded:
There are some things I wish we could add (text added to the "Everything" tab to explain what is included in "Everything", tool tips when working with Panopto tools in the LMS, links to documentation when building a quiz, etc.), but what is there is generally enough. My only real knock on branding is that we cannot lock the branding in centrally, and departments can customize their own brand (and why can department admins add other department admins??). It isn't really a huge issue, but it is an issue that I would love to see be resolved sooner than later.
I think it would go a long way to be able to set a vanity URL for the site (say With that said, we didn't really have any problems guiding users to our hosted URL.
I'd definitely be interested to see other's examples as well. thanks @Michael Espey!